Match Results 6-10-18
25 Meter Bench Rest Club Match
Sunday June 10th the Airgunners held their first Bench Rest shoot of the 2018 season at DeSoto Gun Club. The conditions were great for the match. We enjoyed reasonable temps, high 70's in the morning and just under 90 by noon. Bright overcast and very mild wind conditions for most of the morning may have helped with the scores; all of which were very respectable for our first BR outing of the year. Sincere thanks to those who arrived early to help set-up!
An Early Start. By 9:00AM we had 8 shooters signed-in so we filled the eight bench positions and began our match. Following USARB guidelines we shot at 25 meters, 3 target cards, 25 scored targets per card and time limited to 20 minutes per card.
Gary P. arrived at the gun range on his Harley motorcycle. He brought an HW97 rifle protected in a soft guitar case strapped to his bike. Gary managed a score of 622 pts and 5 X's with a spring-piston rifle.
Coming off 2 consecutive field target podiums (at Baton Rouge LA and Heflin AL ), Jerry M. was filled with confidence and he achieved the winning score of 736 points for the day. Dennis D. was just 3 points behind but nailed several more X's. He is definitely getting the hang of shooting his new TM1000.
Jack R. did a fantastic job marshaling the days event. All ran safely, and smoothly. At the end of the official match a few 'Airgunners opted to shoot a non-scored 4th card for the extra trigger time before we called it a day.
Our next 25M Bench Rest event will be held on Sunday July 8th. We'll try for a 50 yard BR event in August.
Total Score
pts X
pts X
pts X
pts X
Jerry McGee
245 7X
246 6X
245 6X
736 19X
Dennis Dickenson
246 11X
241 8X
246 13X
733 32X
Linda McGee
247 13X
238 4X
242 8X
727 28X
Sean Forsyth
239 7X
240 5X
244 5X
723 17X
Bill Frazee
234 4X
229 2X
236 3X
699 9X
Ron Zeman
226 5X
230 6X
223 6X
679 17X
Jack Rainey
214 2X
233 4X
231 5X
678 11X
Gary Palinkas ( Springer)
202 1X
217 3X
203 1X
622 5X