B-R Match 6-9-19
Sunday June 9th, DeSoto Airgunners hosted another in our Summer Swelter Bench Rest Series. This is also our “rainy season” in Southwest Florida so we expect scattered afternoon downpours. This season is off to an unusual start, we get showers in the AM as well as in the late evening. The forecast for today's match included thunderstorms (at 80% probability). No wonder several “regulars” (many who drive a significant distance) opted out this weekend. We had a turn-out of 7 shooters for today's event.
When angels shoot good weather precedes. Just like our last gathering in May, the storms held off till the match was completed. Today's event followed USARB Regulations. All shooters competed in the Heavy Varmint class. Each contestant shot three official target cards, each target card carefully timed, for a total of 75 scored shots. The day's Top Score honors went to Dennis D. with 732 points including an impressive 27X's. Well Done. Despite some saying the wind was causing them havoc, 4 of the 7 shooters broke through 700 points today. Corky had some issue on his first target-card which was incomplete.
Shout-Out to Dennis for marshaling the event and to Claudia, Corky’s wife, who was kind enough to share a few photos included in this write up. Also to Linda and Gary for scoring.
Scores: All shooting .177 pellets. All in Heavy Varmint Class.
Total Score
pts X
pts X
pts X
pts X
Dennis Dickenson
RAW TM1000
243 9
248 8
241 10
732 27
Jerry McGee
Steyr LG110 HP
242 5
242 7
231 4
715 16
Linda McGee
241 4
239 3
226 3
706 10
Gary Palinkas
RAW HM1000
233 6
232 6
236 6
701 18
Bill Frazee
Air Arms S400 MPR
218 2
217 1
205 0
640 3
John Loefler
AA Hunstman Regal
201 1
223 2
210 2
634 5
Corky Taylor
102 1
236 4
226 7
564 12