BenchRest Match 8-11-19
Sunday August 11th DeSoto Airgunners held another Bench Rest shoot; part of our Summer Swelter Series of airgun events at DeSoto Gun Club.
The benchrest range features 8 concrete shooting benches. It's not uncommon to have multiple relays to accommodate everyone. Something new; those who had to drive longer distances were offered an option to choose to participate in Relay #1 or in Relay #2 with the later start.
A total of 11 competitors braved what were forecasted to be questionable conditions. There had been flood warnings for the Peace River which flows very close to the DeSoto Gun Club facility. Thunder showers were also predicted but didn't materialize till we were done for the day. This Summer has been a little unusual in that the dew points have remained very high (in the 70's). Combining Florida summer heat with some extrordinary humidity the “Feels Like Index” can hover near 96 degrees at 6:00AM. I had seen it over 115 degrees recently and that's tough even for seasoned locals. Fortunately, partial overcast and shooting from under cover made conditions more tolerable today.
By 9:15AM we had 8 shooters signed-in and began our first relay. Following USARB guidelines we shot at 25 meters distance, 3 target cards, 25 scored targets per card; each card timed at 20 minutes.
Our second relay included three of the later arrivals and since we had the bench space, a couple shooters from the first Relay decided to shoot another target card or two just for fun and practice.
Four shooters scored over 700 points. TOP SCORE Honors went to Dennis D. with a score of 729 points with 24 X's. There was a tie for Second between Bill S. and Jerry M. They both bagged 719 points but Bill had 3 more X's to secure second place.
Thanks to those who arrived extra early to set-up; also to the folks who scored the target cards and help put our toys away. Many hands make light work. Thanks for the pics too.
Shooter *
Total Score
points x's
points x's
points x's
Dennis Dickenson
245 7X
241 8X
243 9X
729 24X
Bill Shade
237 5X
244 5X
238 6X
719 16X
Jerry McGee
238 5X
228 4X
243 4X
719 13X
Cliff Smith
234 1X
239 3X
240 5X
713 9X
Linda McGee
232 2X
233 3X
234 2X
699 7X
Bill Frazee
233 2X
232 2X
231 3X
696 7X
Chip Willing
231 6X
228 4X
224 2X
693 12X
Ron Zeman
231 1X
224 2X
231 1X
686 4X
Doug Abbott
219 0X
216 1X
217 4X
652 5X
John Loeffer
224 0X
213 1X
195 1X
632 2X
Lindsey Matthews +
207 0X
194 1X
198 1X
599 2X
* All participants competed in Heavy Varmint Category. All shooting .177 pellets
+ Indicates Spring Piston rifle ( all others PCP).