BenchRest 9-8
Sunday 9/8/19 was National Grandparents Day and it was great to see Linda and Jerry's grandchildren joining in our 25Meter Bench Rest Match. It was a fine day for our outing; morning temps in the low 80's with a thin cloud cover which kept it under 95 degrees all day. Humidity wasn't too bad either. Winds were “mild” though difficult to read as our windicators showed puffs and swirls coming from different (sometimes opposite) directions at the same time! Everyone experienced a few "How In The World Did That Pellet Land There" moments.
We had a turnout of a dozen competitors and completed the match with two relays. Per USARB regulations every competitor shot three Target Cards each with 25 scored targets, each card time limited to 20 minutes. Dennis D. took TopGun Honors with a score of 735 and an impressive 28 X's. Corky T. brought his new Thomas rifle to the match and finished in second place with a 728 points with 23 X's. Bill S. tied that score (728) points) but his 18 X's pushed him into Third Place today.
Seven shooters achieved scores over 700 points. “Grandkids” Brandon B. shot a 706 and Jessica B. scored 695 points. Some fine shooting all way around.
Special Shout-Out to all who helped with the set-up, card scoring, and the takedown activities.
Total Score
points x's
points x's
points x's
Dennis Dickenson
247 7X
246 15X
242 6X
735 28 X
Corky Taylor
242 9X
242 8X
244 6X
728 23X
Bill Shade
246 7X
243 7X
239 4X
728 18X
Linda McGee
239 8X
244 7X
234 1X
717 16X
Paul Stakun
227 2X
241 9X
246 3X
714 14X
Jerry McGee
232 6X
241 7X
239 9X
712 22X
Brandon B.
243 1X
232 1X
231 2X
706 4X
Chip Willing
239 1X
227 2X
230 5X
696 8X
Jessica B.
226 2X
234 4X
235 2X
695 8X
Ron Zeman
244 7X
218 3X
230 2X
692 12X
Bill Frazee
219 3X
231 3X
240 5X
690 11X
Doug Abbott
228 2X
229 1X
224 0X
681 3X
All Shooters Competing in Heavy Varmint Div. per USARB Regulations.
Jerry and Linda bookend their grandkids Brandon and Jessica on the benches.
- Nice shot of a family shoot - Photo by Chip W. Thanks.