Match 2-09-20
Low humidity, refreshing breezes, bright Sun and temps between 55 and 75 degrees made for one of those “Top Ten " days in Southwest Florida. An array of Wind-flags and Windicators of all types were working hard today, spinning, pointing and blowing in what was a near constant breeze between 15 and 20 MPH . Gusts around 30 made it even more interesting, specially in the second relay. Considering wind conditions the scores were impressive. Four shooters broke through 700 points today.
The day's Club Match was shot in 2 relays. Per USARB rules each relay included three Target Cards with 25 scored targets each, and time limited to 20 minutes per card. Dennis D. took TopGun Honors . He bagged 248 of 250 possible points on one card and ended with a score of 730 and an impressive 20 X's. Corky T. had his rifle dialed in to finish in second place with a 719 points with 13 X's. Newcomer Steve G. managed a Third Place finish today.
Doug Cunningham, a veteran Field Target shooter from Ohio (and now a Florida SnowBird,) joined our group today. I'm sure he'll be attending a few more DeSoto Airgunner shoots this season. It was good to see Paul Stakun and Bill Liebke join us today after taking some time off.
Hardware Issues. A couple folks experienced some gun issues today. Bill Shade reported scope problems. He dropped out of the first relay to work the problem. Our kind and gentle match director allowed Bill to finish his 3 cards in the next relay. Linda McGee's rig blew a seal before completing her first target card. Rather than shoot a back-up rifle Linda graciously took on the role of scoring maven. She also instructed others interested in learning the art of benchrest scoring. Big Thanks to Linda and today's scoring team.
Total Score
(all Heavy Varmint Class)
points X's
points X's
points X's
Dennis Dickenson
240 3X
242 6X
248 11X
730 20X
Top Gun !
Corky Taylor
242 6X
242 4X
235 3X
719 13X
Steve Govedich
238 4X
240 7X
235 7X
713 18X
Jerry McGee
232 0X
235 5X
236 3X
703 8X
Chip Willing
226 3X
232 4X
238 3X
696 10X
Doug Cunningham
229 2X
225 4X
234 6X
688 12X
Cliff Smith
232 4X
225 3X
228 2X
685 9X
Bill Liebke
214 1X
239 4X
229 6X
682 11X
Donovan Taylor
231 2X
220 2X
230 3X
681 7X
12 FtLb.
John Loeffer
216 4X
213 2X
222 3X
651 9X
Bill Shade
218 2X
203 1X
229 6X
650 9X
Lindsey Matthews
189 1X
181 2X
197 1X
567 4X
Top Springer !
Jim Behan
199 1X
148 1X
139 0X
486 2X
Linda McGee
234 3X
Blown Seal
An array of windflags, spinners and other windicators were kept busy today.