Match Info & Schedule
April 13 Field Target
May 11 Field Target
June 8 Benchrest
July 13 Benchrest
Aug. 10 Benchrest
Sept 14 Benchrest
Oct 12 Benchrest
Nov 9 Field Target
Dec 14 Field Target
WHEN ARRIVING: Find the Event Marshall, Sign Match Waiver and pay any fees BEFORE removing your weapon from your vehicle.
No Guns out of vehicles before course is set and OKed by Match officials.
Other Invited Guests: If you are not a member of the Desoto Gun Club AND you have been invited within Desoto Gun Club property you MUST complete a HOLD HARMLESS release form: click here and give it to your HOST or the Range Safety Officer upon entrance to the facility. Any shooter under the age of 18 must have an accompanying parent.
Course Set-Up begins ~7:30 Sight-in ~ 8:15 AM Volunteers welcome. Field Target Matches generally begin ~ 9:00 AM or after shooters safety meeting.
Bench Rest Shoots generally begin an hour sooner; weather dictates
For more match details, contact match director
E-mail: INFO AT desotoairgunners DOT net.
Shooters showing off their tools