02-13-21 BenchRest
Morning showers were forecasted but that didn't deter a few 'Airgunners from arriving at DeSoto Gun Club for a 25 meter BR Shoot. Thanks to all who helped with the course and scoring. Special thanks to John Loeffler for marshalling the event and providing this match summary. Photos taken by Linda & Jerry.
The start of the Bench Rest Match was delayed an hour due to rain. Once the rain stopped we had a very good match consisting of 9 shooters in two relays. Here are the results:
Shooter Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Totals
1 Steve Govedich 243-10X 244-7X 239-6X 726 - 23X
2 Scott Andre 236-4X 242-12X 242-2X 720 - 18X
3 Gene Childers 241-8X 241-10X 237-7X 719 - 25X
4 John Loeffler 240-5X 239-2X 239-4X 718 - 11X
5 Jerry McGee 239-4X 247-2X 231-6X 717 - 12X
6 Linda McGee 229-7X 243-5X 244-8X 716 - 24X
7 John Taylor 232-3X 239-3X 239-6X 710 - 12X
8 Dustin Taylor 236-4X 233-4X 228-3X 697 - 11X
9 Ryan Matthews 225-2X 217-3X 228-1X 670 - 6X
Jerry McGee had the high single card with a score of 247. Scott Andre had the high single card ‘X’ score of 12. The competition was very close, often coming down to one shot making the difference. Gene Childers was shooting a Chinese CO2 rifle he modified to use high pressure air. Ryan Matthews had a good first time showing.
Here is a list of the equipment used at the match:
Steve G.
Kahles 10-50
FX 13.4
Scott A.
Sightron 10-50
JSB 8.4
Gene C.
Hawke 8-32
JSB 13.4
John L.
Kahles 10-50
QSY 9.6
Jerry M.
Linda M.
Sightron 10-50
John T.
FX Dreamliner
Sightron 10-50
FX 10.3
Dustin T.
RAW TM1000
FX 10.3
Ryan M.
FX Impact
FX 13.4
The Cowboy Action group did not shoot today due to the rain.
John Loeffler
Linda and Jerry took a few snaps on the firing line. Enjoy: