Benchrest 6-11-23
DeSoto Airgunners held the first match of our 2023 Summer Swelter Bench Rest Series.
June, July and August are pretty toasty and humid in Southwest Florida so we generally take a break from Field Target and shoot Benchrest.
DeSoto Gun Club facilities include 8 poured concrete shooting stations with seismic stable benches. An adequate metal roof overhead provides protection from the direct Sun. There's even AC power available for a small fan.
A few 'windicator flags' deployed across the range confirmed conditions were favorable for good scores: light (5mph) puffs, otherwise mostly calm. Temps ranged from low 70's during set-up and topped near ninety degrees. Blue sky and a blaring Sun underscored the "Swelter Series" moniker. Humidity levels pushed the dew point into the 70's, typical for this season in Southwest Florida. Our August Dog Days can see dew points in the 80's.
Our match drew a total of 13 competitors that were accommodated in 2 relays. Guided by USARB Regulations each competitor shot three target cards in their relay. Each target card consists of 25 "for score" bulls-eye boxes. There are also ten not-for-score "sighters" on the card, useful to confirm your point of impact without risking an errant shot during the match. There is a 20 minute time limit to complete each target card.
TOP GUN recognition goes to Dennis D., scoring 745 total points (out of a possible 750). Dennis also won the X-Prize for scoring an impressive 38X ( "bulls" ) along the way. (I believe that is the highest X score we've seen at our range) WELL DONE! Joining our group of regular benchrest enthusiasts were Bill, Corky and Scott who recently took some time away from the benches. Also joining us, a new shooter Corey C. from Orlando. New to the game and using borrowed equipment Corey managed a credible showing.
Special shout-outs :
To Chip, Dennis and Ron for preparing the range and refurbing target stands for this season.
Also to Linda, Chip and Dennis for their accurate scoring of the match.
Results and Equipment Matrix:
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Dennis D
247 14X
249 16X
249 8X
745 38X
Top Gun 1st
Chip W
246 9X
247 14X
246 9X
739 32X
John T
245 7X
247 8X
238 8X
730 23X
Ron Z
240 4X
245 9X
242 11X
727 24X
Linda M
245 7X
246 8X
235 1X
726 16X
Jerry M
242 6X
236 1X
245 8X
723 15X
Scott A
243 3X
243 7X
237 2X
723 12X
Gene C
237 2X
241 2X
239 4X
717 8X
Dustin T
230 7X
243 7X
239 5X
712 19X
Corky T
226 1X
241 5X
237 3X
704 9X
Bill S
212 1X
236 5X
235 7X
683 13X
Ryan M
198 3X
238 3X
236 3X
672 9X
Corey C
215 2X
223 3X
233 7X
671 12X
Dennis D
Night Force 36X
JSB 13.4
Chip W
RAW TM1000
Leupold 36X
JSB 13.4
John T
Sightron 10-50
JSB 13.4
Ron Z
Steyr LG100 ZM
Nikko 10-50
JSB 10.3
Linda M
Sightron 10-50
FX 13.4
Jerry M
March 8-80
FX 13.4
Scott A
Sightron 10-50
FX 13.4
Gene C
QB78 - GC
Tasco 8-40
JSB 13.4
Dustin T
RAW HM1000
Hawke 8-24
AA 10.3
Corky T
Sightron 10-50
JSB 13.4
Bill S
Sightron 10-50
JSB 10.3
Ryan M
Element Nexus
JSB 13.4
Corey C
QB78 - GC
Simmons 6-18
JSB 13.4
Scott sets up his USFT Corey sights in
Top Gun Dennis scans the wind flags
Chip checks his gear.