American Airgun Field Target Association
Dedicated to the promotion of the sport of air rifle field target.
Lots of information on the sport, clubs, equipment, and more.

CLICK HERE for Official Rules HandBook.

What is Field Target ?    
Accurate Shooter reviews the sport basics.

USA Air Rifle Benchrest   Where the target is the only authority

Printable Paper Practice Targets:  ( )

Field Targets.Com
RHINO  TARGETS manufactures excellent targets.

Yegua Target Company   
Robust Field Targets from the Lone Star State

Tampa Bay Airgunners Cliff Smith's Club.  Home of the Florida SuperBowl Weekend Fieldtarget Match.

Hollywood Pistol & Rifle Club - Airgun FieldTarget  in SouthEast Florida

American Airguns
Brad Troyer's Airgun Site classified ads, air rifle reviews, links to airgun sites and much much more.

Airgunning Atlanta
Excellent airgunning web work from Atlanta area Field Target shooters

Air Rifle Links & Demos
http://www.     A website full of incredible animations, printable targets and other good stuff

TX200 Trigger Adjustments
Cliff Smith offers his insights and techniques  

The YELLOW FORUM:   AirGun Warriors
America's #1 Airgun Forum  
Lots of airgun related topics to enjoy reading and posting to.

Misc. Stuff
         Burris 8-32 R/A Scope Specs.
         NightForce FT  36 X 56 Specs.