Match Results 4-9-17
While it was occasionally blowing around 12 mph with a few stronger gusts, the overall shooting conditions today were pretty good. We enjoyed cool comfortable temps (around the low 60's at 8:00 AM) during the course set-up activities. A Special Shout-Out to Gary P. who was waiting at the entrance gate when I first arrived. Gary was eager to help, and we were joined shortly by a few other regulars ( Jack and Colin) and other enthusiastic volunteers. Soon the course was set, reset cords attached, the sight-in targets placed (with distances marked) and by 9:00AM the sight-in line went HOT.
We had a total of 11 participants today. John L. is a new shooter who initially planned to just observe. It didn't take too much coaxing to have him sight-in his brand new Daystste Regal Huntsman. After a brief shooters safety meeting, the 42 shot match got underway.
Newbee John was squadded with Paul S., a seasoned Hunter Field Target shooter who could offer some pointers. John had yet to develop good numbers for his new rig but managed to have a couple good scoring lanes. I'm sure the experience he gained today was well worth his efforts. His smile and compliments at the conclusion of the event confirmed it.
Also shooting their first "formal" field target match were Linda and Jerry McGee. They joined us last month for some bench rest shooting and decided to try their hand at Field Target. Results? They had a great time and IMO are destined to be regulars at DeSoto Airgunner events. Particularly noteworthy, Linda nailed 4 of the 6 offhanders on lane 7; This performance was equaled by only 3 other shooters today. Linda modestly called it beginners luck. I wonder. She and Jerry both own some very nice ( and powerful) airguns. Jerry, also shooting Hunter FT scored a 32, just 3 points behind high hunter Paul.
Donovan T. and Emilio M. made the long trek to DeSoto from across the State (Ft Lauderdale area). Shooting WFTF rules, Donovan scored an excellent 33, while Emilio, the only other WFTF shooter today, developed some equipment issues late in the match and blanked the last two lanes. ( ouch).
Gary Palinkas, shooting Open Division, was the day's TOP GUN, putting in a score of 37. Way to Go !
Brilliant Sun and a near cloudless sky brought temps to the low 80's by the end of the match. After the group helped put the targets and toys away we parted with smiles, handshakes and promises to do it again next month. I'm already looking forward to it.
Results and Equipment Matrix follow.
Div. / Name
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(42 Possible)
Paul Stakun
Hawke 6-24
AA 8.4
Jerry McGee
FX Wildcat
Sightron 10-50
JSB .25 cal
Jack Rainey
AA 200
Swift 8-32
Exact 8.4
Bill Shade
Sightron 10-50
JSB -M 13.4
28 **
Colin Pilkington
FX Wildcat
Falcon 10-50
JSB 10.3
Linda McGee
FX Royale
Hawke 8-32
JSB .22cal
John Loeffler
Daystate Regal
Hawke 8-32
JSB 10.3
16 **
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Donovan Taylor
ISP .177
Sightron 10-50
JSB 7.9
Emilio Mazzuco
Sightron 10-50
AA 8.4
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Gary Palinkas
Hawke 6-24
JSB - 10.3
Ron Zeman
Steyr LG100-HP
NightForce 36X
JSB - 10.3
** Indicates Unlimited Open Hunter Division