FT-Match 3-08-20
The March FT shoot brought out a dozen competitors. Great to see Freddie P making the trip with his TX200 Springer. His score of 39 was but 5 points behind Top Gun and Open PCP winner Dennis D. ( Dennis shot 44 of possible 48 points.)
Since your scribe and web-worker (Ron Z) was absent from this event, I'm not sure if Bill L.'s score of 35 1/2 is a reporting error, a typo or other goings on. No Matter. It's all in good fun.
NEWS: A last minute clarification from the (not so evil) Match Director: Bill L. is not able to get into the kneeling position and asked to be allowed to shoot ‘freestyle’ on the kneeling lane for ½ point per target. 1/2 Point targets were a regular feature at Baton Rouge events ( in those olden days) Not sure what AAFTA would say today. Since this was a local Club Level event Match Director makes the call.
We're encouraging a few more Piston gun shooters with what's being scheduled as "Springers in Springtime" for the April 12th FT Shoot.
Again .......... All In Good Fun.