Benchrest 7-10-22
Benchrest Club Match 7-10-22
Heavy showers woke me early for today's shoot. Fortunately the rain cell moved quickly and conditions were favorable for today's 25 Meter, 3-Card Relay, the second in our Summer Swelter Benchrest Series.
No rain but plenty of summer swelter for today's competition. Florida in July can feel “toasty” even at 5:00AM. The cover and shade over our bench shooting stations was well appreciated. Shifting breezes picked up as the heat index climbed well past 100. Those stronger wind gusts weren't very cooling but gave shooters plausible reasons (excuse?) for some odd misses and frustrating fliers.
We had a turn-out of 8 shooters. In addition to some of our usual suspects we were joined by Wayne R. an experienced BR shooter from the Orlando FL area. Linda M. was noticeably absent from today's shoot. Linda is our unofficial Target Card Scoring Team Leader [and a good shot too.] Ever the good sport, Linda scored all the relay target cards (at home) Sunday evening. Thanks! The suspense over final results was building.
Top Gun honors go to Jerry M. with a 3-card score of 725 points. Well Done!
The X Prize goes to John T. scoring 24 X's in his first 3-card relay. Fine Shooting !
By popular request a second 3-Card Relay was optioned and several shooters continued their benchrest activities. Some to exercise their back-up gun, others used the 2nd relay to informally tryout a competitors rifle setup or for the additional trigger time. Ron Z, your scribe and webworker, campaigned his classic TX-SR springer in the first relay. After shooting the requisite 75 scored timed targets (and a good number of sighters) said "100 cocking lever strokes was enough spring-gun fun for this day."
Thanks again to the many helping hands, and Special Shout-Out to Steve and Linda.
Relay Scores and Equipment Matrix Follow:
Relay # 1
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Jerry McGee
238 - 5X
243 - 7X
244 - 8X
725 – 20X
Steve Govidich
235 - 5X
243 - 9X
243- 5X
721 - 19X
John Taylor
237 - 7X
240 - 9X
238 - 8X
715 - 24X
Gene Childers
237 - 4X
239 - 1X
238 - 6X
714 - 11X
Wayne Ross
236 - 7X
235- 5X
238 - 2X
709 - 14X
Corky Taylor
234 - 6X
235 - 2X
237 - 7X
706 - 15X
Ryan Mathews
226 - 2X
226 - 4X
228 - 4X
680 - 10X
Ron Zeman
198 - 0X
214 - 1X
205 - 0X
617 - 1X
Relay # 2
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Wayne R
237 - 4X
233 - 1X
237 - 4X
707 – 9X
John T.
239 - 7X
229 - 2X
237- 3X
705 - 12X
Steve G.
231 - 3X
235 - 8X
235 - 3X
701 - 14X
Jerry M.
Element Nexus
FX 13.4g .177
Steve G. (relay 1)
JSB 13.4g .177
Steve G. (relay 2)
JSB 13.4g .177
John T.
RAW TM 1000
JSB 13.4g .177
Gene C.
QB78 (custom)
Tasco 8-32
QY 8.4g .177
Wayne R.
Daystate Wolf
JSB 13.4 g .177
Corky T.
JSB 13.4g .177
Ryan M.
FX impact
Element Nexus
FX 10.3g .177
Ron Z.
Burris 8-32 RA
A.A. 8.4g .177